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Albert et al. 2020. Habitat ecology of Nearctic-Neotropical migratory landbirds on the nonbreeding grounds
Angulo-Irola & Carman 2022. Video ¡Llegó la migración! – grupo de observadores de aves ‘Dispersadores de Semillas’ Costa Rica
Bayly & Gómez 2011. Comparison of autumn and spring migration strategies of Neotropical migratory landbirds in northeast Belize
Bayly 2015. First record of Franklin’s Gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan) from the Eastern Andes of Colombia
Bayly 2018. Confirmación fotográfica de la presencia de Setophaga tigrina y Setophaga palmarum en Colombia
Bayly et al. 2012. Fall migration of the Veery (Catharus fuscescens) in Northern Colombia: Determining the energetic importance...
Bayly et al. 2013. Energy reserves stored by migrating Gray-cheeked Thrushes Catharus minimus at a spring stopover site in...
Bayly et al. 2014. Migration of raptors, swallows and other diurnal migratory birds through the Darien of Colombia
Bayly et al. 2016. Prioritizing tropical habitats for long-distance migratory songbirds: an assessment of habitat...
Bayly et al. 2018. Major stopover regions and migratory bottlenecks for Nearctic-Neotropical landbirds within the Neotropics: a review
Bayly et al. 2019. Habitat choice shapes the spring stopover behaviour of a Nearctic-Neotropical migratory songbird
Bayly et al. 2020. There’s no place like home: tropical overwintering sites may have a fundamental role in shaping migratory...
Bayly et al. 2021. Rapid recovery by fat- and muscle-depleted Blackpoll Warblers following trans-oceanic migration is driven by...
Portada Buenas Practicas
Bayly et al. 2023. Buenas prácticas en agroecosistemas para la conservación de las aves migratorias
Bazán-León et al. 2015. New distributional records of Chelemys megalonyx from the central valley of Chile, and implications...
Botero-Delgadillo & Bayly 2012. Does morphology predict behavior? Correspondence between behavioral and morphometric data in a...
Botero-Delgadillo & Escudero-Páez 2012. Roadside Hawk Rupornis magnirostris predating a Bogota Rail Rallus semiplumbeus...
Botero-Delgadillo & Vásquez. 2016. Extreme use of feathers for nest construction by the Chilean Swallow Tachycineta leucopyga...
Botero & Vasquez_2016.jpeg
Botero-Delgadillo & Vásquez. 2016. Nest architecture, clutch size, nestling growth patterns and nestling attendance in the Fire-eyed Diucon...
Botero-Delgadillo 2012. Consideraciones sobre la frugivoría en Guettarda (Rubiaceae) en un bosque húmedo premontano en el norte...
Botero-Delgadillo 2020. Santa Marta Parakeet (Pyrrhura viridicata), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (T. S. Schulenberg, Editor)
P_call_AO (1)
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2011. Cartographic guide of distribution and conservation status of Pyrrhura Parakeets in Colombia
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2012. Biogeography and conservation of Andean and Trans-Andean populations of Pyrrhura parakeets in Colombia...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2012. Ciclos de muda en Diglossa albilatera (Thraupidae) y evidencia de un patrón en la adquisición...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2012. Discovery of Two New Localities for Todd's Parakeet Pyrrhura picta caeruleiceps Using Distribution Models...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2012. Distribución geográfica y ecológica, tamaño poblacional y vacíos de conservación del periquito de Santa...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2013. Insights into the Natural History of Todd's Parakeet Pyrrhura picta caeruleiceps in North-Eastern Colombia
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2015. An assessment of the distribution, population size and conservation status of the Santa Marta Foliage...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2015. Nestling Mortality as a Consequence of Interspecific Competition between Secondary Cavity Nesters...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2015. Understanding the distribution of a threatened bird at multiple levels: A hierarchical analysis...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2017. Effects of temperature and time constraints on the seasonal variation in nest morphology of the...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2017. Interpopulation variation in nest architecture in a secondary cavity-nesting bird suggests site...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2017. Variation in fine-scale genetic structure and local dispersal patterns between peripheral populations...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2019. Ecological and social correlates of natal dispersal in female and male Thorn-tailed Rayadito...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2020. Exploratory behavior, but not aggressiveness, is correlated with breeding dispersal propensity...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2020. Extrapair paternity in two populations of the socially monogamous Thorn-tailed Rayadito...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2020. Heterozygosity-Fitness Correlations in a Continental Island Population of Thorn-Tailed Rayadito
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2020. Negative effects of individual heterozygosity on reproductive success in a wild bird population
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2020. Range-wide genetic structure in the thorn-tailed rayadito suggests limited gene flow towards...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2022. Evidence of low within-pair genetic relatedness in a relict population of Thorn-tailed Rayadito...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2022. On the habitat use and foraging ecology of the Yellow-headed Brushfinch (Atlapetes flaviceps), an endemic...
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2022. Sequential use of niche and occupancy models identifies conservation and research priority areas...
Botero et al_2024
Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2024. Abundance models of endemic birds of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, suggest small population sizes...
Brodie et al_2024
Brodie et al. 2024. Nonbreeding distributions of four declining Nearctic–Neotropical migrants are predicted to contract under future climate...
Descuido venenoso
Buitrago & Martin 2018. Sospechosos por Naturaleza
Portada Secretos de un Gigante
Buitrago et al. 2018. Secretos de un gigante: Aprendamos acerca de los chigüiros
Poster Infografia - La ruta bacana
Buitrago et al. 2019. La Ruta Bacana
Buitrago et al. 2021. Amigos del café: Currículo educativo para conocer las aves de las regiones cafeteras de Latinoamérica
Bulluck et al. 2019. Habitat-dependent occupancy and movement in a migrant songbird highlights the importance of...
Cabrera-Finley et al. 2011. Dieta de semilleros en un bosque subandino
Cano et al. 2020. Is there more than one way to cross the Caribbean Sea? Migratory strategies of Nearctic-Neotropical landbirds...
Cárdenas-Ortíz et al. 2017. Fall migration and breeding origins of Canada Warblers moving through northern Colombia
Cárdenas-Ortíz et al. 2020. Defining catchment origins of a geographical bottleneck: Implications of population mixing...
Cárdenas-Ortíz et al. 2021. Fuel loads of Neotropical migrant songbirds on autumn passage through the Darién region...
Céspedes & Bayly 2019. Over-winter ecology and relative density of Canada Warbler Cardellina canadensis in Colombia: the basis for...
Céspedes et al. 2021. Community modeling reveals the importance of elevation and land cover in shaping migratory bird...
AtlasAves Endemicas
Chaparro-Herrera et al. 2024. Atlas de la biodiversidad de Colombia: Aves Endémicas
Couceiro et al. 2023. Exploring environmental stewardship among youth from a highly biodiverse region in Colombia
Cuevas et al. 2020. Latitudinal gradients of haemosporidian parasites: Prevalence, diversity and drivers of infection in the Thorn...
Cuevas et al. 2021. Influence of the haemosporidian Leucocytozoon spp. over reproductive output in a wild Neotropical...
DeSaix et al. 2023. Low‐coverage whole genome sequencing for highly accurate population assignment: Mapping migratory connectivity...
Díaz-Bohorquez et al. 2014. Aves migratorias en agroecosistemas del norte de Latinoamérica, con énfasis en Colombia
Echeverría et al. 2018. Pre-basic molt, feather quality, and modulation of the adrenocortical response to stress in two populations...
Escudero-Páez et al. 2019. Effect of plantation clearcutting on carnivore presence in industrial forest landscapes in south-central Chile
Estrada-Villegas et al. 2022. Plant, bird, and mammal diversity of the Tomogrande field station, Vichada - Colombia
Freeman et al. 2012. Breeding biology of the Blue-naped Chlorophonia (Chlorophonia cyanea) in the Santa Marta...
García-Delgadillo & Botero-Delgadillo 2011. Descripción del nido, huevos y polluelos del Colibrí de Buffon Chalybura buffonii...
García-Delgadillo & Botero-Delgadillo. 2013. Nuevos registros de distribución del cabezón cinéreo (Pachyramphus rufus) en Colombia
García-Delgadillo & Losada 2013. Ensamblaje de aves en gradientes bioclimáticos del bosque seco tropical del Tolima
Gómez & Bayly 2010. Habitat use, abundance, and persistence of Neotropical migrant birds in a habitat matrix in northeast Belize
Gómez & Bayly 2011. Migration of Empidonax flycatchers through northeast Belize
Gómez & Moreno 2008. Breeding phenology and nesting habitat characterisation of the San Andres Vireo (Vireo caribaeus)
Gómez et al. 2010. Environmental predictability and timing of breeding in the San Andrés vireo (Vireo caribaeus)
Gómez et al. 2012. Documentando estrategias de muda en aves neotropicales: Ejemplos de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta...
Gómez et al. 2012. Seasonal variation in stopover site use: Catharus thrushes and vireos in northern Colombia
Gómez et al. 2014. Fall stopover strategies of three species of thrush (Catharus) in northern South America
Gómez et al. 2015. Distribution of Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds along a South American elevation gradient during spring...
Gómez et al. 2016. Niche-tracking migrants and niche-switching residents: evolution of climatic niches in New World warblers
Gómez et al. 2017. Fuel loads acquired at a stopover site influence the pace of intercontinental migration in a boreal...
Gómez et al. 2018. Assessing seasonal changes in animal diets with stable-isotope analysis of amino acids: a migratory boreal...
Gómez et al. 2019. Range-wide populations of a long-distance migratory songbird converge during stopover in the tropics
Gómez et al. 2021. Change in avian functional fingerprints of a Neotropical montane forest over 100 years as an indicator...
Gómez et al. 2021. Migratory connectivity then and now: a northward shift in breeding origins of a long-distance mig...
Gómez et al. 2022. Reexpedición Colombia: Entender el pasado para empoderar acciones que fortalezcan el conocimiento...
Gómez-Bahamón et al. 2020. Speciation associated with shifts in migratory behavior in an avian radiation
Gómez-Bahamón et al. 2021. Sonations in Migratory and Non-migratory Fork-tailed flycatchers (Tyrannus savana)
Gomez-B et al 2023
Gómez-Bahamón et al. 2023. Egg shape variation accross the distribution of the partially migratory Fork-tailed Flycatcher
Gomez-Bahamon et al 2024
Gómez-Bahamón et al. 2024. Ephemeral river islands serve as roosting and foraging habitat for boreal and austral migratory songbirds
Gómez-Bahamón. 2023. Museum specimens uncover the past, present and future
Gómez-Hoyos et al. 2015. Depredación de Marmosops sp. por el Barranquero Andino Momotus aequatorialis en la Reserva Natural...
Gómez-Hoyos et al. 2021. Population density of the Multicolored tanager (Chlorochrysa nitidissima) in the Important Bird Area...
González et al. 2011. Geographic origins and timing of fall migration of the Veery in Northern Colombia
González et al. 2017. Topography of the Andes Mountains shapes the wintering distribution of a migratory bird
González et al. 2020. Contrasting the suitability of shade coffee agriculture and native forest as overwinter habitat...
González et al. 2020. Earlier and slower or later and faster: Spring migration pace linked to departure time in a Neotropical migrant...
González et al. 2021. Shade coffee or native forest? Indicators of winter habitat quality for a ling-distance migratory bird in the Colombian...
Gonzalez et al. 2023. Plan de inversión para la conservación de los bosques a elevaciones medias en Centro y Sur América
Gutierrez et al 2024
Gutiérrez-Carrillo et al. 2024. Records from Neotropical non-breeding grounds reveal shifts in bird migration phenology over six decades
Guzmán et al. 2023. Árboles representativos de los paisajes cafeteros de Santander
Henao-Díaz, et al. 2020. Atlas de la biodiversidad de Colombia. Primates.
Hobson et al. 2016. Golden-winged Warbler migratory connectivity derived from stable isotopes
Ippi et al. 2022. Mobbing behaviour in non-breeding flocks of a passerine bird in northern Patagonia
Jahn et al. 2017. Molting while breeding? Lessons from New World Tyrannus Flycatchers
Morales et al 2024
Morales-Rozo et al. 2024. A multiscale analysis of factors influencing Setophaga striata occupancy and abundance...
Mueller et al. 2022. Local selection signals in the genome of blue tits emphasize regulatory and neuronal evolution
Nemes et al. 2023. Springing forward: Migrating songbirds catch up with the start of spring in North America
Ocampo et al. 2020. Body mass data set for 1317 bird and 270 mammal species from Colombia
Olaciregui et al. 2020. Breeding biology of the endangered Santa Marta Parakeet (Pyrrhura viridicata)
Osorio-Huamani et al. 2023. Árboles representativos de los paisajes cafeteros de la Selva Central, Perú
Palacios et al. 2019. Shallow genetic divergence and distinct phenotypic differences between two Andean hummingbirds: Speciation with gene...
Palacios et al. 2023. Genomic variation, population history, and long-term genetic adaptation to high altitudes in Tibetan Partridge...
Palacios et al. 2023. Mito-nuclear discordance in the phenotypically variable Andean hummingbirds Coeligena bonapartei and Coeligena...
Pérez-Guevara & Botero-Delgadillo 2020. Uso de hábitat y comportamiento del Rascón Andino (Rallus semiplumbeus)...
Poblete et al. 2021. Female extra-pair behavior is not associated with reduced paternal care in Thorn-tailed Rayadito
Poblete et al. 2021. Risk-taking behaviour relates to timing of breeding in a sub-Antarctic rainforest bird
Pulgarin et al. 2019. Migratory birds as vehicles for parasite dispersal? Infection by avian haemosporidians over the year...
Quirici et al. 2019. Age and terminal reproductive attempt influence laying date in the thorn-tailed rayadito
Quirici et al. 2021. On the relationship between baseline corticosterone levels and annual survival of the thorn-tailed rayadito
Raybuck et al. 2022. Cerulean Warblers exhibit parallel migration patterns and multiple migratory stopovers within the Central...
Reese et al. 2019. Using stable isotopes to estimate migratory connectivity for a patchily distributed, wetland-associated...
Rozzi et al. 2022. El Rayadito subantártico: disponibilidad del binomio Aphrastura subantarctica...
Rozzi et al. 2022. The Subantarctic Rayadito (Aphrastura subantarctica), a new bird species on the southernmost...
Rubio et al. 2017. Nuevos registros del Ala de Cera (Bombycilla cedrorum) en la costa Caribe de Colombia y su posible relación con el fenó...
Rubio et al. 2023. El Guardacaminos norteño (Chordeiles minor): Un transeúnte anual por el noroccidente de Colombia
Rubio et al. 2024. Del Nevado al Río Magdalena: Un pre-texto para conversar
Sánchez-Clavijo et al. 2020. Habitat selection in transformed landscapes and the role of forest remnants and shade coffee...
Portada Catalogo Arboles Cundinamarca
Santos et al. 2023. Árboles representantivos de los paisajes cafeteros de Cundinamarca
Schumm et al 2019. Common latitudinal gradients in functional richness and functional evenness across marine and terrestrial systems
SELVA & AES 2022. Video Café y Cacao sostenibles en el Valle de Tenza
Vermivora chrysoptera - NB (1)
SELVA & AnimaFauna 2022. Video La Reinita Alidorada - Un viajero en peligro
Cardellina canadensis - Reinita de Canadá
SELVA & Aves Colombianas 2018. Video Cardellina canadensis en los bosques andinos de Colombia
SELVA & Fly-High Bird Club. 2022. Video Anillamiento de aves en la Tagua, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
SELVA & OpEPA. 2021. Currículo La Semana de La Biodiversidad: Manual del Educador
Portada_comic arboles
SELVA & SMBC 2024. Cómic - Los Árboles Superpoderosos: Árboles para convertir los paisajes productivos en paisajes amigables con las aves
PCAA (1)
SELVA & Smithsonian 2021. Video Paisajes cafeteros amigables con las aves
SELVA & VencejoFilms 2022. Documental Café, Aves y la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
07-2011_SP0002_Psidiumguajaba-fruto23 (1)
SELVA 2011. Video Periquito de Todd consumiendo madera – Proyecto “Biogeografía del género Pyrrhura”
SELVA 2018. Informe final: Identificando áreas prioritarias para la conservación del Atlapetes de anteojos y la Paloma caminera...
SELVA 2019. Diversidad de Aves en paisajes cafeteros de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
Atlapetes flaviceps_Jeyson Sanabria (1)
SELVA 2021. Estrategia de conservación para Atlapetes flaviceps en Colombia
SELVA 2021. Estrategia de conservación para Leptotila conoveri en Colombia
SELVA 2022. Conjunto de datos de observaciones de aves – Neotropical Flyways Project
SELVA 2022. Conjunto de datos de observaciones de aves de SELVA
Portada Comebrocas
SELVA 2023. Los 'Comebroca' y los 'Erradicadores': Aves que prestan servicios en paisajes cafeteros
Valente et al. 2022. Land-sparing and land-sharing provide complementary benefits for conserving avian biodiversity in coffee-growing...
van Els_etal_2021
van Els et al. 2021. Recent divergence and lack of shared phylogeographic history characterize the diversification of neotropical savanna...
Varón & García-Delgadillo. 2017. El ruido ambiental en el centro de la ciudad de Ibagué, Colombia y la medida de pico y placa
Caratula Cauca
Velasco et al. 2023. Árboles representativos de los paisajes cafeteros de Cauca Oriente
Wilson et al. 2022. Opportunities for the conservation of migratory birds to benefit threatened resident vertebrates...