Evolutionary genomics workshop
Home | Evolutionary genomics workshop
Empowering the researchers of the future
Workshop objectives
Genetic data are extremely valuable for the study of biodiversity. today, genomics and transcriptomics contribute to the study of evolution and conservation broadly. However, the use of gemonic and transcriptomic data in the study of biodiversity is still very recent in Colombia.
SELVA, the Omics Lab at Kent State University, the Faculty of Science, and the Department of Biological Sciences of Universidad de Los Andes are collaborating to develop an evolutionary genomics workshop.
We want to promote the use of genomics in the study of evolution and conservation in Colombia, particularly involving communities from different backgrounds and accounting for their history, knowledge and needs.
Structure of the workshop
The workshop has two sections:
Analysis of genomic and transcriptomic data
Through a series of practical excercices, participants learn how to manage raw genomic and transcriptomic data, and to carry out basic phylogenetic and population genetics analyses. We cover subjects including an introduction to the camnd line, working with servers, writing scripts and files, and formats common in the study of genomics and transcriptomics. Workshop participants are selected prioritizing diversity and representation (see applicant profile below).
Extension: Genetics, evolution and conservation in school
We work with rural schools to develop interactive activities for primary and secondary students, covering subjects in genetics, evolution and conservation. These activities trigger discussions and conversations focused on the participants interests. The workshop covers curriculum materials that fulfill state requirements for the subjects of science, genetics and evolution.

Applicant profile
Analysis of genomic and transcriptomic data:Directed to undergraduate and graduate students, biologists and other scientists interested in the use of genomic and transcriptomic data in research. previous knowledge in genomics or bioinformatics are not required, but understanding of genetics, evolution and molecular biology are needed. Participants are selected using diversity and inclusion criteria and commitment.
Extension:We give priority, but are not limited to, working in rural schools located in areas where SELVA carries out projects, and where communities are interested in participating. We contact schools and work closely with local teachers to understand the local context and design activities fit for each group.

Coming workshops
Evolutionary genomics workshop – Colombia 2024
We are still planning and raising funds for this workshop. If you are interested in contributing to fund this workshop, please contact us at: info[@]selva.org.co
Important dates and information will be posted here soon.
Past workshops
Funding institutions

Empowering the researchers of the future
By supporting our workshops you contribute so that brilliant people can access high quality training. All funding we raise goes to fund scholarships for those who need them most.