Research grants
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Research Grants
The research grants of the Ignacio Gómez-Montes fund, support projects that generate knowledge that can be used for biodiversity conservation. We are interested in projects which, in addition to generating scientific knowledge, involve local communities or the wider public either during the actual research or through creative strategies of communication and education. Lastly, we hope that funded projects will eventually publish their results in peer-reviewed scientific journals. We therefore seek projects which adhere to the scientific method, propose clear hypotheses, and propose appropriate methodologies and coherent analyses to test them. Projects must justify their importance accounting for existing knowledge and available literature. Annually we assign at least one research grant for $5.000.000 COP. The application deadline is the 17th of March every year.

Funded projects

2022 Angelica Solano: Aplicando la Teoría de los Valores de Consumo para evaluar comportamientos, actitudes y percepciones hacia los jaguares Panthera onca

2021 Ma. Camila Parra-Guevara: Conservación de la biodiversidad y bienestar humano en paisajes productivos: agroecosistemas tradicionales de café en los Andes centrales colombianos

2019 Yuliana Rodríguez: Caracterización de la comunidad de medianos y grandes mamíferos en el Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Chiribiquete
Research to understand, understand to act
Support our grants fund to promote research and conservation of Neotropical biodiversity.