Biogeography of the genus Pyrrhura in Colombia
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Biogeography of the genus Pyrrhura in Colombia
The subspecies of Pyrrhura parakeets and the Maroon-tailed Parakeet (Pyrrhura melanura) are frequently treated as species, but their taxonomic status if far from clear. This has deviated attention on their conservation status, because conservation actions are primarily directed towards species under a threat category, not towards geographic races. Unfortunately, neither P. picta or P. melanura are considered threatened, however several of the isolated populations that constitute the various accepted subspecies are under serious pressure, and their conservation status may be critical. This project is a first attempt to understand the current status of these populations as well as other species of the genus Pyrrhura in Colombia, with the aim of identifying critical areas for their protection.
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Project objectives
Evaluate whether distribution predictions based on bioclimatic variables suggest Pyrrhura races are isolated and unique conservation units
Estimate potential distribution and habitat loss for all species and subspecies of Pyrrhura parakeets in Colombia
Identify priority areas and geographic conservation gaps for the protection of species and subspecies of Pyrrhura parakeets in Colombia
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Project products and results

Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2011. Cartographic guide of distribution and conservation status of Pyrrhura Parakeets in Colombia

Botero-Delgadillo et al. 2012. Biogeography and conservation of Andean and Trans-Andean populations of Pyrrhura parakeets in Colombia: Modelling geographic distributions to identify independent conservation units
SELVA 2011. Video Periquito de Todd en descanso. Dos individuos de Periquito de Todd (Pyrrhura caeruleiceps) descansando tras sesión de acicalamiento. Becerril (Cesar), Serranía de Perijá
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Project Team

Jeyson Sanabria