Scientific writing grants

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Scientific writing grants

In SELVA we know that it is hard to get funding to pay for the time that it takes to finish analyzing data and for producing a good scientific publication. Unfortunately, this means that many good projects are never published. So to promote a scientific writing culture and to hopefully provide a means for Good science to come out to the light, we created our scientific writing grants from the Ignacio Gómez-Montes fund.

Researchers which already have data in an advanced stage of analysis, including theses projects, and who need some economic support to finish writing and submitting a scientific manuscript to an indexed peer-reviewed journal, are welcome to apply to these grants. Applying projects/publications must generate knowledge that can be used for biodiversity conservation. Grantees have 6 months to submit a manuscript. We annually give out at least 3 scientific writing grants for $2.500.000 COP each. The deadline for application is the 17th of March each year.

Apply for a grant

Instructions for presentation of proposals

The application deadline is the 17th of March every year

For more information please write to:

Funded projects

2021 Edwin Uribe & Luisa Escobar: A spatial model for threat impacts on marine and coastal ecosystems of Colombia

2020 Ma. Alejandra Hurtado: Mecanismos de ensamblaje en murciélagos neotropicales: la variabilidad en los atributos ecológicos de las especies abundantes incrementa con la diversidad taxonómica

2022 Susana Currea: Recursos florales usados por abejas sin aguijón, una herramienta útil en la restauración  

2021 Jhan C. Carrillo: Uso del Modelos de Nicho para informar áreas con potencial diversidad de mamíferos no descritos, Chocó

2020 Julian Usuga: Análisis estructural y almacenamiento de carbono en bosques andinos de la Serranía de los Yariguíes

2019 Monica Nieto: Conservación comunitaria de tres tortugas de río en la Amazonía Colombo-Peruana: Experiencias de las comunidades y efectos sobre las poblaciones

Research to understand, understand to act

Support our grants fund to boost research and conservation of Neotropical biodiversity.